

Adjustment: Jan-Janitoriahm activation time decreased 

Adjustment: Smaller Puddle hitboxes 

Adjustment: Veronica is now stopped when interacting with MT 

Adjustment: Decreased Jam Bomb amount to 8 

Adjustment: Adjusted the Jam Bombs to go EXCLUSIVELY to wander points 


Overhaul: Overhauled all of Defalt's voicelines 


Bugfix: Fixed a bug where the jam overlay sprite does not fully fit your screen 

Bugfix: Fixed the cookie not being collectable 

Bugfix: Fixed Veronica being slow if she teleports you and her to Timeout whilst being in a puddle 

Bugfix: Fixed the bug where the old locked Melvin Shop doors would show up when locking the melvin shop doors 

Bugfix: Fixed some wrong achievements being given 


Addition: Ben's Office is now visitable with a keycard 

Addition: Another Experimental Freeze Gun Location 


(LATEST) v151.rar 57 MB
9 days ago
(LATEST) v151.zip 66 MB
9 days ago

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