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mod menu

Why is it mod menu?

Because when I open a rar it sees it as a video / music

Why are they rar’s? Can’t they just be games?

It is a zipped file. You need a computer and WinRAR to unzip the file to play the game. Also, probably won’t allow .exe files only.

mod menu



i play this mod :)

Thank you for playing! I hope you had fun : D


You're welcome :)

(1 edit)

So, what got changed for the update?

Overhauled Sprites, Abit changed code, and some fixes of sprites

Show post...

cool mod.

Hello everyone! I just published a new version of Ben! Go check it out!

Nice one!


That's pretty good!

Thank you! :D

Not bad for an unfinished demo! Keep up the good work Ben!


Umm... not that bad

Thanks for feedback!